Fantasy Index


New England Patriots

Tough for Super Bowl winners to go back-to-back

I’m not crazy about the Patriots this year. They lost a lot of key players (Vince Wilfork and the two starting corners), the offensive line isn’t as good as it’s been in the past, and the offseason was one gigantic distraction. They just don’t look like a Super Bowl team to me.

Plus there’s the simple reality that it’s really hard to win games in this league.

In this century, only two other teams have won a Super Bowl, then came back to play in the game again the next season. The Seahawks did it last year, and the Patriots themselves did it in 2004.

YearDefending ChampResult
2000St. LouisLost Wild Card Game
2001BaltimoreLost Divisional Playoff Game
2002New EnglandMissed playoffs
2003Tampa BayMissed playoffs
2004New EnglandWon Super Bowl
2005New EnglandLost Divisional Playoff Game
2006PittsburghMissed playoffs
2007IndianapolisLost Divisional Playoff Game
2008NY GiantsLost Divisional Playoff Game
2009PittsburghMissed playoffs
2010New OrleansLost Wild Card Game
2011Green BayLost Divisional Playoff Game
2012NY GiantsMissed playoffs
2013BaltimoreMissed playoffs
2014SeattleLost Super Bowl
2015New England???

—Ian Allan

Fantasy Index