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Trade Time!

The deadline is now.

I realize that trades are rare in many leagues. People throw out offers, or start to talk about something, but it doesn’t go anywhere. Managers usually blame poor communication, fear of “losing” on the trade, or simply assigning a different value to the players in question.

But I think there’s another factor that many managers discount: Time. Many trades simply run out of time before they can be executed. They underestimate how long it takes to make a deal, and when the deadline approaches at least one party doesn’t want to take the risk of rushing through a deal. Therefore, while in many leagues the trade deadline is about a month away, I think you need to act with urgency now, as if it’s right upon you. Because before you know it, it will be.

As the great Ringo Starr said, “Time takes time.” You need to start a trade conversation very early, in order to let the other manager get comfortable with the idea of trading, find a match that works for them, have both parties agree and then finalize the deal. A few days lost here or there isn’t a big deal when you have a month to get it done, but if you cut it down to a week or two, it can easily kill a deal.

If you identify a player you want, reach out directly and ask if the manager would consider a trade. Making an offer on the website is a waste of time, because you might be making a pitch to someone who has zero interest. You have to have a willing trade partner, so send a text or (believe it or not) an actual phone call. Ask them if they’d be interested in a trade. If they say no, move on to another manager. If they say yes, get an idea of what they’d want for that player, and go from there.

And by “go,” I mean go on to other managers and start discussions with them as well. It’s silly to waste a week or two on one person, only to find out they weren’t serious about doing anything. Talk to as many people as possible, and you improve your odds of getting a trade done. It might not always be your ideal trade, but if it improves your team, it was worth it. And putting more time on your side puts the odds in your favor.

Also, don’t waste that time by making a silly, lopsided offer. You’ll just give the other manager a reason to dismiss you entirely. It has to make enough sense for the other person to want to accept, or counter, or at least keep discussing a trade. And if you’re constantly putting out bad offers, you have to consider if you really want to trade. If you can’t provide value in your negotiations, maybe that’s a sign that you aren’t sure if a trade is right for you. You don’t want people wasting your time, so don’t waste theirs.

And keep in mind that, after all this work, you still might come away empty handed. Many times it’s just not possible to trade. In some leagues it never happens. But there’s no harm in trying, as long as you negotiate in good faith and give yourself enough time to get something done. And to me, enough time means about a month. If you really want to get a deal done, start now. Good luck this week.

Does your league ever make trades? What methods have you used to find a good trading partner and get the player you want? What types of behavior can kill negotiations? Share your thoughts below.


Fantasy Index