Fantasy Index

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Change My Address

Update your physical address

Sign in and then click the "Edit Profile" button. Then update your address and click "Save." Note: Changing your address will NOT cause a pending order to be shipped to your new address. If you move after placing an order, please notify us by e-mail or by telephone at 206-527-4444.

Update your e-mail address

  1. Sign in, using our subscriber login. Use your old e-mail address (that is, the address that's already in our system -- the address you want to replace)
  2. Click on the link that says "edit profile."
  3. Change your e-mail address. Update any other information, if necessary.
  4. If you've never defined a secret security question, please do so now.
  5. Click the button that says "Save."

Or you can simply contact our customer service department by e-mail or by telephone at 206-527-4444. We answer customer service e-mail during business hours.

If you want to place an order, but you don't remember the e-mail address you used previously: You can still order! Just go to the store page, select the products you want, and click the button that says "Yes, I have an account, but I have a new e-mail address." You'll have to re-enter customer information (address, phone numbers, etc.), but we'll eventually merge your old order history with your new address information.

If you don't remember the password you used previously: Go to the password help page and enter your e-mail address. Enter your e-mail address, and we'll send you an e-mail message containing a link that will allow you to reset your password. Attention Newsblast subscribers! These instructions apply to the subscriber database. for pay-for Fantasy Index newsletters. The free daily Newsblast list is maintained in a separate database. To change your Newsblast subscription address:

  1. Click the "unsubscribe" link in a Newsblast message.
  2. Re-subscribe from the Newsblast page at the Fantasy Index website.

Fantasy Index