Fantasy Index


Dropped passes

Reggie Bush, Davone Bess were top droppers in 2013

Here’s a quick look at drops. Specifically, which plays drop the most passes. I’ll put up the guys at the other end of the spectrum in a separate post (the guys who do the best job of hanging onto them).

For this one, I’m not looking at just total numbers. It stands to reason that Brandon Marshall would drop a lot more passes than Doug Baldwin. Marshall had a lot more passes thrown his way; he had more opportunities to drop balls. So I’ve converted the drops into percentage of balls thrown.

For wide receivers, I’m looking at all guys who had at least 50 passes thrown in their direction. That includes balls thrown 10 feet over the receiver, but whatever. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

For tight ends and running backs, I’ve expanded it out to just 40 pass attempts needed to make the cut.

For wide receivers, Davone Bess is your drops leader. But he’s probably out of the league now, so whatever.

Tavon Austin comes in 2nd. They tried to make him a slot guy in St. Louis, and he struggled as a rookie. Didn’t do enough after the catch, and (as evidenced here) dropped too many balls.

New England two rookie receivers finished 3rd and 4th. They were not as effective as Brandon Lloyd had been in that spot the previous year.

Darrius Heyward-Bey is 5th. Dropped too many balls in Oakland, and that continued with the Colts.

I also see Wes Welker up there, and that’s not a surprise. He was in about the same spot a year ago. With the kind of routes he’s running, he’s often asked to catch the ball right before somebody clobbers him. Some of those balls are bound to be knocked out, and I think it’s also realistic to expect he’d pull up a little sometimes, distracted by a hit that’s coming.

CleDavone Bess98610.5%
StLTavon Austin76910.1%
NEKenbrell Thompkins77010.0%
NEAaron Dobson7729.7%
IndDarrius Heyward-Bey6649.4%
DenWes Welker101119.0%
WasSantana Moss7789.0%
JacCecil Shorts III101248.1%
CinMohamed Sanu6787.7%
ChiBrandon Marshall121647.3%
CarBrandon LaFell6867.0%
OakDenarius Moore6867.0%
KCDonnie Avery5726.9%
BufStevie Johnson71016.9%
IndReggie Wayne4586.9%
NYJSantonio Holmes4596.8%
MiaBrian Hartline91336.8%
StLAustin Pettis4636.3%
CleGreg Little6996.1%

Here’s the tight end numbers. Both of the top 2 guys are Ravens. Does that mean those guys are terrible? Or does some of that go to the quarterback?

Not all drops are created equal. There’s the Jackie Smith drop, when you’re standing and the ball comes right at you, clanging to the ground. Then there’s balls that are a little off to the side or behind or. Or the ball shows up a split second too late or whatever.

I don’t have access to the replays of the 4 drops for Dickson and Clark, but some of the blame on those might be attributed to Joe Flacco.

Not a lot of notable names at tight ends. I see Brent Celek. The other Philadelphia tight end – the iFart – will show up in the best hands list I post soon. Jared Cook is on there; he has great speed but isn’t a hands guy.

BalEd Dickson4439.3%
BalDallas Clark4527.7%
AriRob Housler4577.0%
StLJared Cook6867.0%
JacMarcedes Lewis3476.4%
PhiBrent Celek3515.9%
WasJordan Reed3605.0%
OakMychal Rivera3605.0%

As with the Ravens tight ends, there are two Detroit running backs near the top. That could mean that some of those failed plays were also affected by Matthew Stafford.

Reggie Bush is No. 1. That will be a surprise to many. But he was also right at the top last year in Miami. He does drop some alls.

Vereen had over 10 percent drops. That surprised me, but I saw him at times and thought he was really good. He has a lot more speed than Danny Woodhead, so they can run him on some different routes. But Woodhead has dropped only 1 pass out of about 150 in the last two years.

LeVeon Bell is up there. Should the Steelers be playing him on passing downs?

DetReggie Bush98011.3%
NEShane Vereen76910.1%
PitLeVeon Bell6669.1%
DetJoique Bell6698.7%
CleChris Ogbonnaya6758.0%
KCJamaal Charles81047.7%
TenChris Johnson4527.7%
BufFred Jackson5667.6%
OakMarcel Reece4547.4%
AriAndre Ellington4586.9%
NYJBilal Powell4586.9%
DenKnowshon Moreno5746.8%
AtlSteven Jackson3496.1%
DalDeMarco Murray4666.1%

—Ian Allan

Fantasy Index