Fantasy Index

Fantasy News

More about the DraftStreet subscription deal

The first discounted subscription we have ever offered

If you are visiting the site today to renew your newsletter subscription, you will see options for discounted subscriptions when you try one of DraftStreet's games for the first time. Learn why we encourage you to try these terrific offers.

Here's how the DraftStreet offer works:

  1. Go to the Fantasy Index store and choose the DraftStreet option for your subscription product.
  2. Complete the subscription process. You won't be charged.
  3. Follow the link to the DraftStreet site and sign up for their game. Deposit the required amount -- either $10 or $40.

That's it!

What happens next?

There are two possibilities:

  1. You play DraftStreet's game, you have fun and you're great at it, you win money, and you withdraw your winnings! And you receive your Fantasy Index subscription for substantially less than you would have paid otherwise.
  2. You play DraftStreet's game, you have fun but you suck at it, and you spend down your $40 without winning anything. And you receive your Fantasy Index subscription for substantially less than you would have paid otherwise.

Did you catch that? Either way, you get your subscription at a discounted price AND you get the fun of playing DraftStreet's fantasy games with a chance to win cash.

This deal is a win-win-win. You save money on your subscription. We make you happy. And DraftStreet attracts customers who enjoy their games.

Sometimes we receive phone calls from non-subscribers who want to negotiate a cheaper subscription price. They've probably finished reading some stupid "negotiate for everything" self-help book. They tell us "I'll try your product if you cut the price in half." Here's what we tell those callers: Fantasy Index has NEVER negotiated a discounted subscription price -- not even once since we started business in 1987. And if we ever offer a discount, it will be to our loyal, long-standing customers. Not just to some new Joe off the street.

Now the time has come! This DraftStreet offer allows us to reward our loyal, long-time customers with a super deal AND an opportunity to have fun playing at DraftStreet.

Give it a try!

Fantasy Index