Fantasy Index


Trivia for June 12, 2017


Nashville gave up a last-minute goal in the Stanley Cup last night, losing the series to the Penguins. It extends that city's streak of futility -- no championships in 37 combined seasons between the Titans and Predators. But other cities have been waiting longer. What two cities currently have gone over 100 seasons without winning a championship in the NFL, NHL, NBA or MLB?


Buffalo and San Diego. Buffalo is at 107, with 51 seasons for the Bills, 47 for the Sabres and 9 for the NBA Braves. San Diego is at 106 seasons, with 48 for the Padres, 51 for the Chargers and 7 for the Clippers. On these totals, I'm not counting the 2005 NHL or 1994 MLB seasons (no champions were crowned in those years). Both the Bills and Chargers won AFL titles in the mid-'60s.

Fantasy Index